Pharell Williams muncul dengan Native American Headdress (hiasan kepala yang biasa dipakai oleh suku Indian Amerika) pada cover majalah ELLE terbaru. Keputusan Pharell mengganti topi Vivienne Westwood yang biasa melekat dikepalanya tersebut ternyata berbuah kritikan dari para fans, lewat Facebook dan media sosial lain fans bersuara “You have no right to wear a headress that is so sacred to native people. Those headresses are earned and not worn to make a buck or draw attention. Go back to wearing your OWN clothes” tulis salah seorang fans. Tak sampai disitu, beberapa orang bahkan juga mengkritik ELLE karna cover tersebut, “Your cover isn’t something you should be proud of. This is NOT appropriate, ELLE,” “This is the worse cover ever! Why does he have to be in a Native American headdress! This is not at all ok!“. Menanggapi kritikan ini, Pharell mengatakan “I respect and honour every kind of race, background and culture. I am genuinely sorry.” Bahkan ELLE juga mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi terkait cover tersebut, “We persuaded ELLE Style Award winner Pharrell to trade his Vivienne Westwood mountie hat for a native American feather headdress in his best ever shoot. Continuing our tradition of featuring cult male icons on collector’s edition covers we persuaded ELLE Style Award winner Pharrell to collaborate with us on his best ever shoot.”